
Free fuel for life

Product Overview

Maximize your parking space while harnessing solar energy with a prefabricated solar carport.

The SolarPort changes everything. A SolarPort is like having your own gas pump where the fuel is free, never runs out and has no emissions.

According to the US Department of Transportation, Americans drive on average, 13,476 miles per year, or 36.92 miles per day. Using the average EV’s energy consumption, this translates to about 11.81 kWh per day, 353.3 kWh per month and 4,310.65 kWh per year.

Check out the table below to get an idea how much energy a SolarPort will produce at your location:

  • SolarPorts can be installed anywhere and requires minimal foundations
  • SolarPorts feature our Vision Module System which is super durable, looks great and provides plenty of shade and clean solar power to keep the batteries fully charged day and night.

The SolarPort is available with several customizable options in either a Single or Double model. Use the SolarPort Configurator to create your unique setup and request pricing for your configuration.

SolarPort Single

SolarPort Double

Configure your SolarPort

The SolarPort is available in Single and Double sizes with several customizable options including optional gutters and color. Use the SolarPort Configurator to:

  • Configure a unique SolarPort tailored to your needs
  • Request pricing for your custom configuration

Configure your SolarPort

Heads up! The SolarPort is not a DIY product and needs to be installed by a professional. Please submit your configuration and we will work to connect you with a SolarPort installer in your area.

SolarPort Features

SolarPorts are precision fabricated structures that are built to last and look and work great for many years. You also get unbeatable durability, shade and power with our Vision Module System.

  • Construction

  • Colors

  • Integrated LED Lighting


Ready to get started? Try out the

SolarPort Configurator