Out of 365 days in a year, the state of Iowa receives 193 sunny days. With so much solar potential, and the potential for local jobs, the state supported for the development of solar in 2012 by initiating the Solar Energy System Tax Credit, a credit equal to 50% of the federal residential energy credit. This initiative was expanded in 2014 with a credit equal to 60% of the federal residential energy credit!
To take advantage of these incentives the Meisterling’s in Cedar Rapids, IA contacted Moxie Solar to design and install a roof-mounted array for their home. Given the orientation of the home, the array would need to be installed on the front of the house for maximum exposure, so aesthetics were important to the family. Moxie Solar recommended the LSX frameless module system to meet this need.
One of the significant benefits of working with Lumos is that every project is treated with equal respect and care. When the Meisterling’s expressed uncertainty concerning the LSX product, the Western Regional Sales Manager, Ryan Schaub, took time to speak directly with the family to answer any questions and concerns. “Ryan went above and beyond when he spoke with the prospective customer directly to answer design and performance questions they had,” says Moxie Solar. “It was terrific that we could rely on Ryan and Lumos to further educate the customer to give them real peace of mind.”
“This Lumos install truly is the best solar system money can buy today.”
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